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Healthcare Definitions

Global Healthcare often requires solutions to address unique and diverse requirements within the vast range of healthcare applications. The following definitions describe the Global healthcare product solutions available.

For unique and demanding challenges in behavioral health facilities, products are weighted to reduce the ease of movement or lifting product to use as a weapon. The product selection and application identified will assist in determining the amount of additional weight required. Weighted product is designed for facilities looking to create safe and secure environments, while ensuring the furniture can withstand intensive use. To determine the amount of additional weight to be added to a product, contact your Global representative.

Due to an increase in the presence of bed bugs within healthcare facilities, solutions have been developed to deal with the bed bug issue. The product design directly affects the level of resistance that can be achieved. For more detailed information, contact your Global representative.

Making a product contraband resistant is a potential solution if you want upholstered and comfortable products to be finished in a manner that offers a greater level of safety.

Contraband resistant finishing is added to products in high risk areas where individuals might attempt to hide contraband such as weapons (for self-harm or to cause harm to others), drugs or alcohol. It can also be part of a solution for protecting any area of the product from becoming a ligature point.

The product surfaces and upholstery will be evaluated and the appropriate solutions will be applied to ensure all surfaces are sealed and safely protected. Depending on the product design, this could mean any combination of the following applications: sealed seams, sealed underside, tamperproof fasteners and/or sealed zippers. After being evaluated, solutions are applied based on the application and population being served. The result of this process would enable the caregiver to identify a potential threat as it would be apparent that the product surface was tampered with. To further assist product selection and what is required specific to a product, please contact your Global representative.

High density Ultracell foam is a non-allergenic foam manufactured from natural seed-based oils such as soybean. It significantly decreases the dependence on fossil fuels like petroleum and reduces greenhouse gas emissions. The high density of the foam provides comfortable sitting for many years before any sagging or indents appear underneath upholstery. Simply, there is more material available to allow for enhanced performance.

Mental health furniture can range from simple to complex, depending on the application and population. Global understands the unique nature and the need to offer a vast range of solutions to deal with the safety of staff and patients while respecting budgets and individual needs. This allows the client to select a product from our complete offering and then build it up to ensure the right features are included. Here are some of the optional features available: tamperproof fasteners, additional weight, floor mount brackets, puncture resistant textile and other contraband resistant features that are needed for the application. Whatever the demand, the correct solution can be built-in. For more detailed information, contact your Global representative.

Moisture barrier is a textile lining with moisture repellent qualities. Moisture barrier lining is applied on the seat cushion between the upholstery cover and foam to prevent any form of moisture from getting to the foam. It is recommended when the fabric being used does not have moisture repellent qualities or when additional protection from penetration of moisture is desired. For coated textiles, the additional moisture barrier option may not be selected in conjunction with sealed seams.

Moisture and tamper resistant zippers are available as part of the solution when requesting bed bug resistant furniture and contraband resistant solutions. In addition, this special zipper prevents liquid and moisture seepage through the zipper teeth, providing additional peace of mind. For more detailed information based on the product selection, contact your Global representative.

Sealed underside refers to the process of finishing the underside of a product to ensure no potential openings from the textile surface to the product interior on seat and/or back seams. The sealed underside solution is requested for achieving higher levels of infection prevention control for the product being ordered. The sealed underside option is noted in the price list notes with the upcharge for the respective product. For more detailed information and to determine if the sealed underside process is available on a particular product selection where it is not noted, contact your Global representative.

The heat-sealed seams process involves sealing the back of a seam with a specially designed tape. Sealing the seam increases the integrity of the seam reducing the likelihood of seams opening over time. This tape provides additional protection against moisture seepage and prevents insects from entering the product through the stitch holes and seams. The sealed seam process is available for use on most coated textiles and is not available on woven textiles. Some coated textiles do not allow sealed seams to be used. In the event sealed seams are to be used, contact Customer Care to confirm sealed seams are approved for the coated textile selected in advance of order placement. Sealed seams cannot be specified if using the moisture barrier lining. The sealing of seams requires testing the textile to ensure acceptance of the heat-sealed tape for performance and aesthetics. For detailed instructions on textile testing and approval, contact your Global representative.

Tamperproof fasteners can be requested for a higher level of safety. Using tamperproof fasteners ensures the fasteners cannot be interfered with (changed, opened or removed) without use of a special tool. This will prevent the tampering with, or disassembly of the product which could lead to injuries or unsuspecting harm to others. For more detailed information contact your Global representative.


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